What a busy summer.
Hubby and I went houseboating last weekend with family and it was pretty fun. We drove 3 hours to Lake Melones..got there around 9pm. Tito picked us up with his boat so we could bring our stuff and ourselves to the houseboat. Tj and I rode the jet ski in the dark but we had a flash light & the boat's light to follow. The next 3 days consisted of jet skiing, innertubing,wake boarding (I figured out how to get up!),fishing, eating eating and eating. I brought Nathan's blankie and stuff animal with us. Saturday night was hard for me. I was distracted during the day with all sorts of activities but when it turned to night..I sat there and stared down at Nathan's stuff and I just started to cry. I wished Nathan was there with us enjoying the jacuzzi in his little vest..trying to hang out with the older cousins...and sleeping underneath the stars with mommy & daddy. I miss Nathan so much but I just keep trying to remind myself that he truly is in a better place. I just miss being his mom and caring for him..ugh. =*(**
We're about half way through summer school (physio). We have three more exams to go with one exam on monday. There's also a quiz every Tuesday & Thursday. This class goes by fast..we only have 4 more weeks left.
My summer is going to be pretty busy. Summer school, camping at the Big Sur this upcoming weekend, Yosemite the weekend after that, 4th of July, cousin Eli's birthday, mom in law's birthday, my 21st birthday, auntie's birthday, dani's birthday, Tj's 21st birthday, a whole bunch of other birthdays... cassandra's cotillion, hawaii (Kaui), Magic Mountain and then Vegas. I don't even know what I'm going to do for my birthday..people usually like to have a big celebration for their 21st. I'm not excited for my birthday because I don't have Nathan to celebrate it with. All holidays will suck this year. blah.
They placed Nathan's temporary marker the other day. Seeing his name and the dates just breaks my heart.
I miss you soooo much Nathan. I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you
please visit me in my dreams..i love you
Hubby and I went houseboating last weekend with family and it was pretty fun. We drove 3 hours to Lake Melones..got there around 9pm. Tito picked us up with his boat so we could bring our stuff and ourselves to the houseboat. Tj and I rode the jet ski in the dark but we had a flash light & the boat's light to follow. The next 3 days consisted of jet skiing, innertubing,wake boarding (I figured out how to get up!),fishing, eating eating and eating. I brought Nathan's blankie and stuff animal with us. Saturday night was hard for me. I was distracted during the day with all sorts of activities but when it turned to night..I sat there and stared down at Nathan's stuff and I just started to cry. I wished Nathan was there with us enjoying the jacuzzi in his little vest..trying to hang out with the older cousins...and sleeping underneath the stars with mommy & daddy. I miss Nathan so much but I just keep trying to remind myself that he truly is in a better place. I just miss being his mom and caring for him..ugh. =*(**
We're about half way through summer school (physio). We have three more exams to go with one exam on monday. There's also a quiz every Tuesday & Thursday. This class goes by fast..we only have 4 more weeks left.
My summer is going to be pretty busy. Summer school, camping at the Big Sur this upcoming weekend, Yosemite the weekend after that, 4th of July, cousin Eli's birthday, mom in law's birthday, my 21st birthday, auntie's birthday, dani's birthday, Tj's 21st birthday, a whole bunch of other birthdays... cassandra's cotillion, hawaii (Kaui), Magic Mountain and then Vegas. I don't even know what I'm going to do for my birthday..people usually like to have a big celebration for their 21st. I'm not excited for my birthday because I don't have Nathan to celebrate it with. All holidays will suck this year. blah.
They placed Nathan's temporary marker the other day. Seeing his name and the dates just breaks my heart.
I miss you soooo much Nathan. I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you
please visit me in my dreams..i love you
i love you, jaimee, and am still praying for you and tj and the family.
clinging to Jesus with you...
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